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                                 CONDITIONS THAT WE SPECIALISE IN


  • Premenstrual Syndrome: Homeopathic medicines can effectively treat the cramps, bloating, and various psychological symptoms that women commonly experience around their menstrual flow. While serious PMS should receive professional homeopathic attention, occasional or mild PMS symptoms can benefit from self-treatment, with either an individually prescribed remedy or one of the combination formula products.

  • Cystitis (Bladder Infection): Another extremely common condition for which homeopathic medicines seem to work wonders is cystitis (bladder infection). While professional homeopathic care and/or medical attention should be sought to treat recurring bladder symptoms and for severe symptoms, an individually chosen homeopathic medicine can alleviate the pain and discomfort of most acute conditions before the woman reaches the doctor's office. 

  • Vaginitis: Vaginitis refers to an inflammatory condition in the vagina that is primarily the result of infection (i.e., from Candida albicans, Trichomonas vaginalis, Gardnerella vaginalis, or Chlamydia trachomatis) or exposure to an irritant (chemical or allergic). The symptoms of vaginitis generally include an abnormal vaginal discharge and itching or burning pains.

  • Cysts & Fibroids: A cyst is a usually harmless fluid-filled sac of tissue that may be found in the breast, ovaries, or vagina, or simply under the skin. Small cysts are often imperceptible, and even large ones can sometimes be symptomless unless they are large enough to press on certain organs or nerves. Fibroids are noncancerous growths in or on the walls of the uterus which can lead to abnormal uterine bleeding, painful intercourse, and bladder and bowel pressure.Cysts and fibroids are relatively common symptoms experienced by women. Conventional medical care ranges from the conservative ("Let's leave it alone and let it go away") to the radical ("We need to remove it before it gets worse or causes any other problem"). Homeopathic treatment for these conditions generally requires professional constitutional care. Some homeopaths have observed that cysts often respond rapidly to the correct homeopathic medicine, while fibroids tend to take longer. Homeopathic remedies for fibroids will not always completely get rid of them, but they do often at least reduce bleeding or other complications. Homeopathic treatment of fibroids tends to be more effective when they are not too extensive.

  • Endometriosis: Endometriosis is a condition in which the lining of the uterus gets displaced and appears in various sites in the body, including the ovaries, the bladder, or the bowel. Although the cause of this condition is unknown, it is sustained by ovarian hormones.

  • Fertility and Contraception:Because homeopathic medicines can be effective in reestablishing health in women's reproductive organs, it follows that they can be helpful in reestablishing fertility. Homeopathic constitutional care, rather than self-care, is necessary for treating problems of fertility.

  • Menopause: Menopause is a natural life phase which some doctors seem to have made into a disease. The fact that women secrete less estrogen in their fifth or sixth decade of life does not signify an ailment but is part of normal body evolution. While it is true that many women experience various symptoms during this change of life, there are many natural ways to deal with them which are safer than the lifelong estrogen replacement therapy that physicians commonly recommend

  • OsteoporosisOsteoporesis is one of the serious conditions that some women experience late in life. Because there are several homeopathic medicines, notably Calcarea phos (calcium phosphate), which are known to help build stronger bones, it makes sense that homeopathic remedies be considered as part of a woman's health program. However, because osteoporesis can be an insidious condition which develops without obvious symptoms prior to a fracture, women are encouraged to become familiar with the various nutritional and lifestyle factors that decrease the chances of developing osteoporesis. When such efforts are combined with homeopathic medicines, women will inevitably be significantly stronger and healthier.

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